Monday, December 31, 2012

The Future Belongs to Those Who Support Marriage Equality

Happy New Year one and all!

As those who oppose interracial relationships continue to die out...

As more and more countries and US states remove the restrictions on same-gender marriage...

As more and more people become aware of polyamorous people and polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy as valid relationship models...

As more and more people become aware of consanguinamorous relationships, whether initiated through Genetic Sexual Attraction or not, and question the irrational laws and prejudices against such relationships...

...we move closer to full marriage equality and general relationship rights for all consenting adults.

We're going to get there. Let's make it happen sooner rather than later!

Nobody should be discriminated against because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered. Nobody should have to hide that they are polyamorous. Nobody should go to jail for having a consensual relationship with other adults. People have suffered for far too long under bigotry. The future belongs to our side."item"'>Happy New Year one and all!

As those who oppose interracial relationships continue to die out...

As more and more countries and US states remove the restrictions on same-gender marriage...

As more and more people become aware of polyamorous people and polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy as valid relationship models...

As more and more people become aware of consanguinamorous relationships, whether initiated through Genetic Sexual Attraction or not, and question the irrational laws and prejudices against such relationships...

...we move closer to full marriage equality and general relationship rights for all consenting adults.

We're going to get there. Let's make it happen sooner rather than later!

Nobody should be discriminated against because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered. Nobody should have to hide that they are polyamorous. Nobody should go to jail for having a consensual relationship with other adults. People have suffered for far too long under bigotry. The future belongs to our side.


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