There are two main paths to consanguinamory, or the objective reality that at least two closely biologically related people have sex, and perhaps an ongoing romance or marriage-style relationship. While the prejudiced may dismiss all consanguinamory as the same (in their small minds) inexcusable behavior, the differences in these paths do have an impact on the participants and those around them. This is why people who are on one path may not understand those on the other, or want to be associated with them.
One main path to consanguinamory is Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA). GSA is an extremely intense attraction that may occur when close biological relatives meet any time after puberty either for the very first time, or the first time since the youngest went through puberty. These situations are likely to increase due to increased human mobility and the high rates of co-parents who do not stay together. Whether a marriage that involved at least one child ends in divorce, or a one night stand results in pregnancy, or anything between, a man and woman who have a child together may go their separate ways, often going on to have more children with others. The situations are are also likely to increase due to increase in the use of donated eggs, sperm, and embryos to have a child. In addition to the various forms of adoptions, some governments, such as some states in the US, allow someone to bring a newborn to a hospital, police station, fire station, etc, and surrender custody of the child with no penalty.
As you can see, there are many situations in which close relatives, such as full or half siblings, or a parent and child, can be reunited post-puberty.
Only some reunification/first contact involves a person experiencing GSA, but some estimates are as high as 50%. Even if there is mutual attraction (both or all, if more than two experiencing GSA), it doesn't always lead to sex. However, GSA is so strong that if it is mutual, it often does lead to sex sooner or later. The sex may not last for any number of reasons. In addition to all of the other reasons people may stop having sex with each other, there are external pressures on such relationships (like criminal law and social disapproval) or a conflicted conscience on the part of one or all involved due to years of sex-police thinking being drilled into their heads.
GSA is almost always a painful path for one reason or another.
Sometimes GSA leads to lasting, happy consanguinamory, but even if any internal pain is a thing of the past, there might be pain from outside interference. That's something I am trying to help change.
With the GSA path, the people usually have established identities and lives in which they are not known as related. For example, half siblings find out about each other in their twenties; the friends and coworkers of one, or both, don't know they are related if they haven't told them. Also, they usually don't have that history of the social connection to their biological roles. They haven't been functioning as brother and sister. A son given up for adoption at birth meets his birth mother twenty years later. He has a mother: the woman who raised him, if she is still alive. Still, someone experiencing GSA may seek to have that familial relationship that would have been expected should there have never been a separation. This is not always possible; it can be very difficult. The history is not there, and nobody can go back to being nine years old; nobody can reverse time.
In GSA relationships, as with any other relationship, it usually takes time for the people get to know each other. Almost always, they find remarkable commonalities.
Those who know of their biological relation may try to break them up or separate them, sometimes by force of law. This can be especially insulting if the person or people trying to douse their love was somewhat responsible for the original situation in the first place. Their actions denied these GSA-experiencers all of the typical parent-child or sibling relationship experiences; after those experiencing GSA have reunited (or met for the first time) and found happiness with each other, this happiness is threatened or taken away.
If the lovers don't want someone else knowing that they are, in fact, lovers, they may be able to use the cover story of making up for lost time with a long-lost relative. (In actuality, an enjoyable consanguinamorous relationship is, in their case, the compensation for that lost time.)
If the sexual aspect of the relationship ends, and does so acrimoniously, the risk includes again losing a long-lost relative. However, if the relationship lasts, it can be a very exciting and fulfilling one.
The other main path to consanguinamory involves close relatives who didn't grow under the separation conditions involved in GSA. This includes cousins (who can legally marry in some places), but it also includes...
-full or half siblings, either raised in the same home or interacting throughout childhood
-parents and their adult children, either with the child raised in the parent's home or with that parent throughout childhood through shared custody or visitation
-aunts/uncles with their nieces/nephews (close in age, or after all are adults)
-grandparents and adult grandchildren.
Cousins and siblings are probably the most common examples of consanguinamory.
On this path, consanguineous sex may begin (and sometimes end) as youthful experimentation between minors who are siblings, cousins, or aunts/uncles with nieces/nephews who are close in age. Sometimes it is more than experimentation, and a full-fledged love affair develops, and may continue into a marriage in everything but (usually) law. Or, it may begin later, at any in their adult life, as young singles or after a divorce or breakup or as seniors.
The consanguinamorous dimension of a relationship, when one person is significantly older than another, such as parent-adult child, may be added at any time after the youngest person reaches the age of majority. This can and does happen without any "grooming." (Grooming and abuse cases are another matter that I'm not addressing here, as I am writing about consensual, loving, healthy relationships.)
Differences from the GSA path include that the lovers have that existing social relationship with the familial context. Consanguinamory on this path builds on that, adding another dimension. Who is more loving, caring, or trustworthy? They already know each other extremely well. Still, there is even greater potential for inner conflict than there is with GSA as one or all of the lovers deals with the notion of "this is wrong," due to years of sex-police thinking being drilled into their heads for no good reason.
Lovers on this path may have had more opportunity to share physical intimacy, but a more difficult time hiding the true reason their demeanor lights up when their (secret) lover walks into the room. However, there is a long tradition of adult siblings or parents and their adult children sharing residence, so if they develop a spousal-type relationship, it can easily be concealed from the finger-waggers with that cover.
If the sexual aspect of the relationship ends, and does so acrimoniously, the risk includes general family disruption. However, if the relationship lasts, it can be extremely intense in a positive way, full of a layered and passionate love.
As I have already said recently, most romantic or sexual relationships don't last; if they did, most of us would still be in our first ones. But they should be allowed to develop and continue, or end, on their own merits, without interference from overbearing law enforcement, bullies, or self-appointed sex police. There are happy, health, lasting consanguinamorous relationships, and I say good for everyone in them. May they continue to share their fun, joy, and love. "item"'>There are two main paths to consanguinamory, or the objective reality that at least two closely biologically related people have sex, and perhaps an ongoing romance or marriage-style relationship. While the prejudiced may dismiss all consanguinamory as the same (in their small minds) inexcusable behavior, the differences in these paths do have an impact on the participants and those around them. This is why people who are on one path may not understand those on the other, or want to be associated with them.
One main path to consanguinamory is Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA). GSA is an extremely intense attraction that may occur when close biological relatives meet any time after puberty either for the very first time, or the first time since the youngest went through puberty. These situations are likely to increase due to increased human mobility and the high rates of co-parents who do not stay together. Whether a marriage that involved at least one child ends in divorce, or a one night stand results in pregnancy, or anything between, a man and woman who have a child together may go their separate ways, often going on to have more children with others. The situations are are also likely to increase due to increase in the use of donated eggs, sperm, and embryos to have a child. In addition to the various forms of adoptions, some governments, such as some states in the US, allow someone to bring a newborn to a hospital, police station, fire station, etc, and surrender custody of the child with no penalty.
As you can see, there are many situations in which close relatives, such as full or half siblings, or a parent and child, can be reunited post-puberty.
Only some reunification/first contact involves a person experiencing GSA, but some estimates are as high as 50%. Even if there is mutual attraction (both or all, if more than two experiencing GSA), it doesn't always lead to sex. However, GSA is so strong that if it is mutual, it often does lead to sex sooner or later. The sex may not last for any number of reasons. In addition to all of the other reasons people may stop having sex with each other, there are external pressures on such relationships (like criminal law and social disapproval) or a conflicted conscience on the part of one or all involved due to years of sex-police thinking being drilled into their heads.
GSA is almost always a painful path for one reason or another.
Sometimes GSA leads to lasting, happy consanguinamory, but even if any internal pain is a thing of the past, there might be pain from outside interference. That's something I am trying to help change.
With the GSA path, the people usually have established identities and lives in which they are not known as related. For example, half siblings find out about each other in their twenties; the friends and coworkers of one, or both, don't know they are related if they haven't told them. Also, they usually don't have that history of the social connection to their biological roles. They haven't been functioning as brother and sister. A son given up for adoption at birth meets his birth mother twenty years later. He has a mother: the woman who raised him, if she is still alive. Still, someone experiencing GSA may seek to have that familial relationship that would have been expected should there have never been a separation. This is not always possible; it can be very difficult. The history is not there, and nobody can go back to being nine years old; nobody can reverse time.
In GSA relationships, as with any other relationship, it usually takes time for the people get to know each other. Almost always, they find remarkable commonalities.
Those who know of their biological relation may try to break them up or separate them, sometimes by force of law. This can be especially insulting if the person or people trying to douse their love was somewhat responsible for the original situation in the first place. Their actions denied these GSA-experiencers all of the typical parent-child or sibling relationship experiences; after those experiencing GSA have reunited (or met for the first time) and found happiness with each other, this happiness is threatened or taken away.
If the lovers don't want someone else knowing that they are, in fact, lovers, they may be able to use the cover story of making up for lost time with a long-lost relative. (In actuality, an enjoyable consanguinamorous relationship is, in their case, the compensation for that lost time.)
If the sexual aspect of the relationship ends, and does so acrimoniously, the risk includes again losing a long-lost relative. However, if the relationship lasts, it can be a very exciting and fulfilling one.
The other main path to consanguinamory involves close relatives who didn't grow under the separation conditions involved in GSA. This includes cousins (who can legally marry in some places), but it also includes...
-full or half siblings, either raised in the same home or interacting throughout childhood
-parents and their adult children, either with the child raised in the parent's home or with that parent throughout childhood through shared custody or visitation
-aunts/uncles with their nieces/nephews (close in age, or after all are adults)
-grandparents and adult grandchildren.
Cousins and siblings are probably the most common examples of consanguinamory.
On this path, consanguineous sex may begin (and sometimes end) as youthful experimentation between minors who are siblings, cousins, or aunts/uncles with nieces/nephews who are close in age. Sometimes it is more than experimentation, and a full-fledged love affair develops, and may continue into a marriage in everything but (usually) law. Or, it may begin later, at any in their adult life, as young singles or after a divorce or breakup or as seniors.
The consanguinamorous dimension of a relationship, when one person is significantly older than another, such as parent-adult child, may be added at any time after the youngest person reaches the age of majority. This can and does happen without any "grooming." (Grooming and abuse cases are another matter that I'm not addressing here, as I am writing about consensual, loving, healthy relationships.)
Differences from the GSA path include that the lovers have that existing social relationship with the familial context. Consanguinamory on this path builds on that, adding another dimension. Who is more loving, caring, or trustworthy? They already know each other extremely well. Still, there is even greater potential for inner conflict than there is with GSA as one or all of the lovers deals with the notion of "this is wrong," due to years of sex-police thinking being drilled into their heads for no good reason.
Lovers on this path may have had more opportunity to share physical intimacy, but a more difficult time hiding the true reason their demeanor lights up when their (secret) lover walks into the room. However, there is a long tradition of adult siblings or parents and their adult children sharing residence, so if they develop a spousal-type relationship, it can easily be concealed from the finger-waggers with that cover.
If the sexual aspect of the relationship ends, and does so acrimoniously, the risk includes general family disruption. However, if the relationship lasts, it can be extremely intense in a positive way, full of a layered and passionate love.
As I have already said recently, most romantic or sexual relationships don't last; if they did, most of us would still be in our first ones. But they should be allowed to develop and continue, or end, on their own merits, without interference from overbearing law enforcement, bullies, or self-appointed sex police. There are happy, health, lasting consanguinamorous relationships, and I say good for everyone in them. May they continue to share their fun, joy, and love.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Two Main Paths to Consanguinamory
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- joint custody
- Jon Krakauer
- Jon Stewart
- Jonathan Sporn
- Jonathan Turley
- Joseph Casias
- Josh Barro
- journalism
- Juan Martinez
- Judaism
- Jude Stratford
- judge
- Judge Advocate General
- Judge Alton Davis
- Judge Belvin Perry Jr.
- Judge Bernard Friedman
- Judge Brian MacKenzie
- Judge Brian Sullivan
- Judge Brian Zahra
- Judge Chris Murray
- Judge Clinton Canady
- Judge Daniel O'Brien
- Judge David Viviano
- Judge Deborah Ross Adams
- Judge Deborah Tyner
- Judge Denise Langford Morris
- Judge Dennis Saylor
- Judge Diane Gibbons
- Judge Edward Sosnick
- Judge Elizabeth Pezzetti
- Judge Glen Conrad
- Judge Harvey Hoffman
- Judge Jessica Cooper
- Judge Joan E. Young
- Judge Jodi Debbrecht
- Judge John McDonald
- Judge Joseph Sheeran
- Judge Kay Behm
- Judge Kim Small
- Judge Kristen Nielsen Hartig
- Judge Leo Bowman
- Judge Linda Hallmark
- Judge Lisa Gorcyca
- Judge Margaret Noe
- Judge Mark Somers
- Judge Martha Anderson
- Judge Mary Beth Kelly
- Judge Mary Ellen Brennan
- Judge Mary Waterstone
- Judge Michael Talbot
- Judge Michael Theile
- Judge Michael Warren
- Judge Nancy Edmunds
- Judge Peter O'Connell
- Judge Phyllis McMillen
- Judge Richard Kuhn
- Judge Richard Posner
- Judge Robert Turner
- Judge Sherry Stephens
- Judge Shira Scheindlin
- Judge Steven Andrews
- Judge Timothy Kenny
- Judge Vaughn Walker
- Judge Victoria Roberts
- Judge Wade McCree
- Judge William C. Whitbeck
- judges
- Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee of Florida
- judicial reform
- judicial review
- Juian Assange
- junk science
- juror
- jury duty
- jury trial
- Justice Alton Davis
- Justice Anthony Kennedy
- Justice Antonin Scalia
- Justice Breyer
- Justice Brian Zahra
- Justice Bridget McCormack
- Justice Clarence Thomas
- Justice Clifford Taylor
- Justice David Wiggins
- Justice Department
- Justice Diane Hathaway
- Justice Elizabeth Weaver
- Justice John Paul Stevens
- Justice John Roberts
- Justice Laura Drager
- Justice Marilyn Kelly
- Justice Mary Beth Kelly
- Justice Maura Corrigan
- Justice Neil Reid
- Justice Robert P. Young
- Justice Robert P. Young Jr
- Justice Robert Young
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Justice Samuel Alito
- Justice Sonia Sotomayor
- Justice Stephen Markman
- Justice Thurgood Marshall
- Justin Amash
- juvenile code
- juvenile court
- juvenile law
- juvenile lifer law
- K2
- Karen Davidson
- Karen Workman
- Karl Rove
- Karla Faye Tucker
- Kate Kendell
- Kate Mitchell
- Kathleen Ryan
- Kelsey Grammer
- Kelsey Raffaele
- Ken Anderson
- Ken Cuccinelli
- Ken Hutcherson
- Kent County Circuit Court
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Supreme Court
- Kenya
- Kevin O'Keefe
- Kevin Orr
- Kevin Swanson
- Key West
- Khaair
- Kimberly McCarthy
- Kinsey Sicks
- KMart
- Kody Brown
- Kolanek
- Kris Perry
- Kurzon Strauss
- Kwame Kilpatrick
- LA Gay Chorus
- lack of equality harms
- Ladybird
- Lafler v Cooper
- Lake County
- Lake Orion
- Lake Orion Community Schools
- Lambda Legal
- language
- Lansing
- Lansing State Journal
- Larry Klayman
- Larry Kramer
- Las Vegas
- Laschell Baker
- Latin America
- Laura Ingraham
- lavishly appointed Homosexual Lobby
- law
- law blog
- Law Blogger
- law blogs
- law enforcement
- Law Professor Robert Sedler
- Law Professor Sharlene Boltz
- law review
- law school
- Law School Admissions Council
- law student
- Lawrence Charfoos
- Lawrence Kaluzny
- Lawrence Michael Beck
- Lawrence Russell
- Lawrence V. Texas
- lawsuit
- lawsuit proceeds
- lawsuits
- lawyer
- lawyers
- Leann Leutner
- Lee Duncan
- Lee Redden
- legal fees
- legal issues
- legal process
- legal separation
- legal services
- Legal Zoom
- legalization
- Lenawee County Circuit Court
- Lenawee County Prosecutor
- Leon Walker
- lesbians
- LGBT History
- LGBT rights
- LGBT youth
- liars
- Liberty Counsel
- Liberty University
- Life After Death
- Linda Harvey
- Linked In
- Lipnevicius
- Lisa Miller
- Livingston County
- Livingston County Family Court
- Liz Krueger
- Log Cabin Republicans
- Lois Butler-Jackson
- long-haired men in warehouses
- Los Angeles
- losers
- Louie Gohmert
- Louis Meldman
- Louisiana
- love
- Lyle Denniston
- Macomb County
- Macomb County Circuit Court
- Macomb County Prosecutor
- Macomb Probate Court
- Mae West
- Maeleigh
- Maine
- Malawi
- malicious destruction of property
- Manhattan
- Manif Pour Tous
- maps
- Marco Rubio
- Marie Thornton
- marihuana
- marijuana
- marital estate
- marital home
- marital property
- Mark Fiore
- Mark J. Konkol
- marketing
- marriage
- Marriage Amendment
- marriage equality
- Martin Brophy
- Martin SSempa
- Martina Navralitova
- Marxism
- Mary Bonauto
- Mary Cheney
- Mary Fallin
- Mary Lambert
- Maryland
- mass transit
- Massachusetts
- MassResistance
- master driving record
- Mat Staver
- Matt Barber
- Matt Drudge
- Matt Taibbi
- Matthew Abel
- Matthew R. Newburg
- Matthew Snyder
- Matthew Taylor
- Mayo Clinic
- McCain-Feingold
- McDonald
- McDonald v Chicago
- media
- Mediaite
- Medicaid
- medical malpractice
- medical marijuana
- Medical Marijuana Act
- medicine
- Megan Fox
- Megyn Kelly
- Melinda Haag
- Mennonite
- Meredith Baxter
- metadata
- Mexico
- Mich Court of Appeals
- Mich Medical Marijuana Act
- Mich Supreme Court
- Michael Bloomberg
- Michael Douglas
- Michael Komorn
- Michael McCabe
- Michael McCarthy
- Michael Morton
- Michael Stampfier
- Michelangelo Signorile
- Michele Bachmann
- Michelle Malkin
- Michelle Ortiz
- Michigan
- Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System
- Michigan Attorney General
- Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette
- Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox
- Michigan Bar Journal
- Michigan Catholic Conference
- Michigan Child Support Formula
- Michigan Civil Service Commission
- Michigan Compiled Laws
- Michigan Constitution
- Michigan Court of Appeals
- Michigan Department of Corrections
- Michigan House of Representative
- Michigan Innocence Project
- Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
- Michigan Lawyer
- Michigan Lawyers Weekly
- Michigan Medical Marihuana Act
- Michigan Medical Marijuana Act
- Michigan Motor Vehicle Code
- Michigan Penal Code
- Michigan Public Radio
- Michigan Re-entry Law Wiki
- Michigan Rules of Court
- Michigan Senate
- Michigan State Police
- Michigan Supreme Court
- Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center
- Midland County Bar Association
- Mike Huckabee
- military
- military divorce
- Miller Canfield
- minimum wage
- Minnesota
- minor in possession
- Minsk
- Miranda
- misdemeanor
- Missouri
- Mitt Romney
- MN
- mobile device
- Monica Conyers
- monogamy
- Montana
- Mormon
- Mormons
- Morning View
- Morning View
- Morrissey
- mortgage
- Mortgage Resource Plus
- Moscow
- mosque
- mother-daughter
- mother-son
- motor vehicle code
- Motorola
- movies
- murder
- musical theater
- Muslim
- myths
- NALT Project
- Nancy Ann Seaman
- Nancy Goldstein
- Nancy Grace
- Nancy Plasterer
- narcissism
- narcissistic personality disorder
- Narcissus
- Natalie DeLeo
- Nathan Koppel
- National Association of Attorneys General
- National Association of Legal Professionals
- National Guard
- National Law Journal
- National Public Radio
- NCY LGBT Anti-Violence Project
- Nebraska
- negligence
- Neil Patrick Harris
- Neil Rockind
- Nelson Mandela
- Nevada
- New Delhi
- New Hampshire Supreme Court
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans Saints
- New York
- New York City
- New York state
- New York Times
- New Yorker
- New Yorker Magazine
- New Zealand
- Newago County
- newspapers
- Nicholas Looman
- nightlife
- Nikki Haley
- no fault divorce
- Nobel
- Nolan Finley
- Nolo
- North Carolina
- North Carolina v Alford
- North Oakland Divorce Blog
- Northern California
- Northern Ireland
- Notre Dame
- Now is Gone
- nursing home
- NYC History
- O.J. Simpson
- Oakland
- Oakland Circuit Court
- Oakland Circuit Court Judge John McDonald
- Oakland Circuit Judge Colleen O'Brien
- Oakland Circuit Judge James Alexander
- Oakland Circuit Judge Mark Goldsmith
- Oakland Circuit Judge Martha Anderson
- Oakland Circuit Judge Michael Warren
- Oakland Circuit Judge Shalina Kumar
- Oakland Circuit Judge Wendy Potts
- Oakland County
- Oakland County Bar Association
- Oakland County Board of Commissioners
- Oakland County business court
- Oakland County Circuit Court
- Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Nanci Grant
- Oakland County Circuit Judge Colleen O'Brien
- Oakland County divorce
- Oakland County Family Court
- Oakland County Foreclosure Prevention Initiative
- Oakland County Jail
- Oakland County Judge Mary Ellen Brennan
- Oakland County lawyer
- Oakland County Probate Court
- Oakland County Prosecutor
- Oakland County Sheriff
- Oakland Press
- Oaksterdam University
- Obama administration
- Obamacare
- obesity
- obituary
- Ogden memo
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oldsmobile Park
- Olympia
- Olympics
- ombudsman
- One Million Moms
- oocytes
- oops
- open
- open carry laws
- Open Thread Thursday
- Operating While Intoxicated
- ordinance
- Oregon
- Orlando
- Orson Scott Card
- Oscars
- Osmonds
- Otis McDonald
- overcrowding
- Padilla v Kentucky
- Palestine
- Pam Geller
- Pamela Mattison
- Paper Chase
- paperless
- Parental Divorce Reduction Act
- parental kidnapping
- parental termination
- parenting schedule
- parenting time
- parole
- passport
- Pat Buchanan
- Pat Robertson
- paternity
- paternity act
- Patrick Barone
- Patrick Stewart
- Patriot Act
- Paul Clement
- Paul Crouch
- Paul Katami
- Paul Ryan
- Paul Stablein
- Pennebaker
- pennsylvania
- Penobscot Building
- Pentagon
- People v Koon
- People v Nunley
- performance art
- perjury
- permission marketing
- Perry
- Perry v Brown
- Perry v Schwarzenegger
- persecution
- personal injury lawyer
- personal internet account
- Peter Keenan
- Peter LaBarbera
- Peter Staley
- Peter Tatchell
- Phil Robertson
- Philippines
- photography
- Phyllis Schlafly
- physician
- Pick's disease
- Pink
- Pittsburgh
- plaintiff lawyer
- players union
- Plunkett and Cooney
- PokerStars
- police
- politicians
- PolitiFact
- polls
- polyamory
- polyandry
- polygamy
- polygyny
- Pontiac Police Department
- pop culture
- pop music
- Pope Francis
- post traumatic stress disorder
- pranks
- pregnancy
- prejudice
- prenuptial agreement
- prescription
- President Clinton
- President Obama
- pretext search
- priest
- Prince Charles
- prior restraint
- prison
- prisoners
- privacy
- privacy law
- privacy rights
- pro confesso
- probable cause
- probate court
- probate court litigation
- probate lawyer
- probation
- product liability
- Professor David Moran
- Professor Eugene Volokh
- Professor Gerard Magliocca
- Professor Howard Markman
- Professor Paul Caron
- prognosticator
- property settlement
- Proposition 19
- Proposition 8
- prosecution
- prostitution
- protests
- Prozac
- public accommodations
- Public Administrator
- public trust
- Qatar
- quads
- Queen
- Queens
- Queer Nation
- Quislings
- R K Arnold
- racism
- RadioShack
- rape
- Rashida Tlaib
- real estate
- real estate appraiser
- reality shows
- Rebecca Black
- Reebok
- refinance
- Regina Griggs
- relationships
- religion
- religious cohabitation
- relocation
- Renew America
- Representative John Walsh
- restricted driver's license
- retail
- retirement
- retirement assets
- reunion
- Revised Judicature Act
- Rhode Island
- Richard Branson
- Richard Roane
- Richard Webber
- Rick Santorum
- right to silence
- Rima Fakih
- Rio de Janeiro
- Robert Birach
- Robert criminal defense
- Robert Ficano
- Robert Grossman
- Robert Lee Redden
- Robert Mueller
- Robert Mugabe
- Robert Ord
- Robert Oscar Lopez
- Robert Shapiro
- Robert Slameka
- Roberto Bihar
- Robin Roberts
- robots
- Robyn Frankel
- Rocket Lawyer
- Rodney Koon
- Roe v Wade
- Roman Blum
- Rome
- Ron Jelinek
- Ronald Reagan
- Rose Bowl Parade
- Rose Cobb
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Roth IRA
- Royal Oak
- royals
- Rush Limbaugh
- Russia
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Ruth Institute
- Ruth Johnson
- Ryan Bylsma
- Salinas v Texas
- Salon
- Salt Lake City
- same sex parents
- same sex union
- same-gender marriage
- same-sex
- same-sex marriage
- Samuel Mullet
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Fransisco
- Sandy Hook
- Sandy Rios
- Sandy Stier
- Santa Claus
- Santa Clause
- Sarah Palin
- Saudi Arabia
- scam artists
- scandal
- Schwarzenegger
- science
- science fiction
- Scott Correctional
- Scott Greenfield
- Scott Lively
- Sean Hannity
- search and seizure
- Seattle
- secession
- Second Amendment
- second degree murder
- second marriage
- Secretary of State
- Seinfeld
- Selesa Likine
- self-help legal sites
- self-loathing
- selfie
- Senate
- Senate Judiciaray Committee
- Senator Bert Johnson
- Senator Mark Boitano
- Senator Mike Green
- Senator Rick Jones
- Senator Steven Bieda
- sentencing
- separate property
- September 11
- serial killer
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
- Sesame Street
- Seth Godin
- Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
- sex
- Sex Offender Registration Act
- sex week
- sex workers
- sexting
- sexuality
- shareholder
- Shariah law
- sharks
- sheriff
- Sheriff Mike Bouchard
- Sherman Anti-Trust Act
- Shirley Bassey
- Shirley Sherrod
- short sale
- siblings
- silliness
- single parent
- Sister Wives
- sister-sister
- Sixth Amendment
- Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Skinner
- Skye Carter
- Slamenka
- Smart on Crime
- smoking
- Smoking Gun
- SMS Replicator
- Snoop Dog
- sobriety court
- Sochi Olympics
- social media
- Social Network Account Privacy Act
- Social Security
- Social Security Administration
- sociology
- soldier
- Solicitor General
- solidarity
- Sonia Sotomayor
- South Africa
- South America
- South Carolina
- Southeast Michigan
- Spain
- speakeasy
- spelling
- spice
- split custody
- sports
- spousal benefit
- spousal support
- spouse
- St. Louis
- St. Paul
- St. Petersburg
- Stacey Napp
- stalker
- Stanley Chesley
- Star Trek
- State Bar of Michigan
- State Court Administrative Office
- State Department
- statement
- statute of limitations
- step-parent adoption
- Stephanie Saul
- Steve Hayes
- Steve Hyder
- stigma
- still totally gay
- stimulus legislation
- Stoli
- stop and frisk
- straight allies
- strategic default
- strict liability
- strikes
- student loan
- substance abuse
- suicide
- suicide knobs
- summary judgment
- Super Drunk
- supervised parenting time
- Supremacy Clause
- surrogacy
- surrogate
- surveillance
- surveillance economy
- Surviving Spouse
- Swag Tuesday
- swinging
- synagogue
- synthetic marijuana
- tabloids
- Tammy Bruce
- Tanya Skelton
- taxation
- taxi life
- Tea Party
- teabaggers
- technology
- Ted Cruz
- Ted Nugent
- Ted Olson
- teenage driver
- telecommunications
- television
- Ten Commandments
- tenants in common
- Tenth Circuit Court
- terminology
- terrorist
- Terry Nunley
- Terry v Ohio
- Texas
- Texas Department of Corrections
- texting
- The Blaze
- the closet
- The Economist
- the kids are alright
- The LawBlogger
- The Sadz
- theater
- theocracy
- Thomas E. Brennan
- threeways
- Thurgood Marshall
- Tim Cook
- Tim LaCroix
- Tim Skubick
- Time Magazine
- Times Square
- Timothy Baughman
- Timothy Dolan
- Timothy P. Flynn
- Tired Old Queen At The Movies
- Todd Macaluso
- Todd Starnes
- Tom Corbett
- Tom Daley
- Tom Loeb
- Tony Perkins
- Torey Clark
- tort
- torture
- Tot Mom
- Towleroad
- transgender issues
- Travas Alexander
- Traverse City
- Travis Alexander
- Trayvon Martin
- Trent Reznor
- triads
- Trisha Conlon
- Trulia
- trust
- trustee
- Twitchy
- U. S. Attorney
- U. S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Attorney
- U.S. Constitution
- U.S. Court of Appeals
- U.S. District Court
- U.S. House
- U.S. News and World Report
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Uganda
- UK
- Ukraine
- unauthorized access computer
- uncle-niece
- uncontested
- uncontested divorce
- underwater
- unemployment
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
- unions
- United Methodist Church
- United States
- United States Attorney
- United States Circuit Court of Appeals
- United States District Court
- United States Supreme Court
- United States v Jones
- United States v Windsor
- University of Cincinnati Law Review
- University of Detroit Mercy
- University of Detroit Mercy Law School
- University of Detroit School of Law
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan Law School
- unjust enrichment
- upside down
- urban legends
- Uruguay
- US
- US News and World Report
- US Supreme Court
- Utah
- Val Gross
- Vashon Island
- Vatican
- Vermont
- Veterans Administration
- Vincent Smothers
- Violence Against Women Act
- viral video
- Virgin
- Virginia
- Vladimir Putin
- vodka
- Voters Rights Act
- Wal-Mart
- Wales
- Walgreens
- Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- war on drugs
- Washington State
- Washtenaw County Circuit Court
- Washtenaw County Family Court
- Washtenaw County Probate Court
- Waterford
- Wayne County
- Wayne County Circuit Court
- Wayne County Family Court
- Wayne State University
- Wayne State University Law School
- Web 2.0
- Wendy Potts
- West Memphis Three
- West of Memphis
- West Virginia
- Westboro
- Westboro Baptist Church
- White Castle
- White House
- white supremacists
- will
- William Forsyth
- William Giovan
- William Spengler
- Williamsburg
- Wilton Manors
- wingnuts
- Wink and Wink
- Wisconsin
- witness
- Wizard Of Oz
- Wonkette
- work release
- World Congress Of Families
- World Net Daily
- Wright v Shade
- Xmas
- Yale Galanter
- YouTube
- Ze Frank
- Zillow
- Zimbabwe
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