Saturday, December 14, 2013

Michigan Supreme Court Embraces "Selfie" Lexicon

Wayne Circuit Judge Wade McCree
By:  Timothy P. Flynn

The Oxford University Press has designated the slang term "selfie" as the word of the year.  For our over-50 readers, a selfie is when a person takes a picture of themself, or a part of themself -usually on their cell phone-  and transmits it to another person.

We here in the 313 can agree that the word has picked-up some credibility thanks to Judge Wade McCree's legal troubles.  How can we forget Charlie LeDuff's piece in Judge McCree's chambers when the good judge was confronted by his embarrassing instantly viral "selfie".

Well, fast-forward 2-years to the oral arguments this week at the Michigan Supreme Court.  The docket included the Judicial Tenure Commission's case against Judge McCree.  The JTC wants McCree to be suspended for six more years  -he is currently suspended without pay for his selfie-  so that he cannot be re-elected when his term expires in 2014.

McCree is represented by State Bar of Michigan President Brian Einhorn.  During Einhorn's oral argument in defense of the judge, Justice Robert P. Young, Jr. made the reference to the judge's "selfie".  The reference was picked-up and amplified by Justice Bridget McCormack.

A judge taking a nude selfie most assuredly does not inspire confidence in the judiciary.  The big question is what will the Michigan Supreme Court do with Judge McCree's case?

Wayne Circuit Judge Wade McCree
By:  Timothy P. Flynn

The Oxford University Press has designated the slang term "selfie" as the word of the year.  For our over-50 readers, a selfie is when a person takes a picture of themself, or a part of themself -usually on their cell phone-  and transmits it to another person.

We here in the 313 can agree that the word has picked-up some credibility thanks to Judge Wade McCree's legal troubles.  How can we forget Charlie LeDuff's piece in Judge McCree's chambers when the good judge was confronted by his embarrassing instantly viral "selfie".

Well, fast-forward 2-years to the oral arguments this week at the Michigan Supreme Court.  The docket included the Judicial Tenure Commission's case against Judge McCree.  The JTC wants McCree to be suspended for six more years  -he is currently suspended without pay for his selfie-  so that he cannot be re-elected when his term expires in 2014.

McCree is represented by State Bar of Michigan President Brian Einhorn.  During Einhorn's oral argument in defense of the judge, Justice Robert P. Young, Jr. made the reference to the judge's "selfie".  The reference was picked-up and amplified by Justice Bridget McCormack.

A judge taking a nude selfie most assuredly does not inspire confidence in the judiciary.  The big question is what will the Michigan Supreme Court do with Judge McCree's case?


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