Neil Patrick Harris opened today's 30th Annual Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade with a giant song-and-dance number down the main street of the Magic Kingdom.
"item"'>Neil Patrick Harris opened today's 30th Annual Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade with a giant song-and-dance number down the main street of the Magic Kingdom.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
NPH Hosts Disney Xmas Parade Special
- "Michigan Child Support Formula"
- 100-mile rule
- 14th Amendment
- 1st Amendment
- 2013 elections
- 2013 in review
- 2014 elections
- 2016 elections
- 300
- 341 meeting
- 36th District Court
- 401(k)
- 48th District Court
- 4th Amendment
- 50th District Court
- 5150
- 51st District Court
- 6th Amendment
- 8th Amendment
- 9-11
- Aaron Grimes
- Aaron Schock
- Aaron Swartz
- ABA Journal
- abandonment
- Abercrombie
- abortion rights
- Abraham Lincoln
- abuse
- academia
- accents
- acquittal
- acting
- activism
- Adderall
- addiction
- adoption
- adultery
- advertising
- Advocate
- affirmative action
- affirmative defense
- Affordable Care Act
- Africa
- Afternoon View
- aging
- air travel
- airlines
- airports
- Alabama
- Alan Gura
- Alan Turing
- Albert Snyder
- alcohol
- Alex Jones
- Ali Forney Center
- alimony
- Alliance Defense Fund
- allies
- alternate service
- Alzheimer's disease
- AMC Theaters
- American Bar Association
- American Civil Liberties Union
- Americans for Safe Access
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Amish
- Amy Kehoe
- Andrew Breitbart
- Andrew Cohen
- Andrew Shirvell
- Andrew Sullivan
- Android
- Andy Cohen
- Andy Schor
- Anglican Church
- animation
- Ann Arbor
- Ann Coulter
- Ann-Marie Okros
- Anna Nicole Smith
- Annise Parker
- anonymous blogger
- antenuptial agreement
- Anthony Morelli
- appeal
- Apple
- apps
- April DeBoer
- architecture
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- art
- articulable suspicion
- Ashby Jones
- Asia
- assault
- assault with intent to do great bodily harm
- asshattery
- assholery
- assholism
- Assisted Reproductive Technology
- atheism
- attention deficit disorder
- attorney
- Attorney Barb Krauss
- Attorney Brian Einhorn
- Attorney Carter Phillips
- Attorney Eric Larsen
- attorney fees
- Attorney General
- Attorney General Eric Holder
- Attorney General John Suthers
- Attorney General Mike Cox
- Attorney Grievance Commission
- Attorney Joel Brodsky
- Attorney Joel Serlin
- Attorney John G. Browning
- attorneys
- Attorny James P. Cunningham
- aunt-nephew
- Austin v Michigan Chamber of Commerce
- Australia
- automated vehicle
- Avvo
- Avvocating 2012
- Azariah Southworth
- baby boomer
- Balance Point Divorce Funding
- Baldwin
- bank fraud
- Bankrupcty
- bankruptcy
- bankruptcy trustee
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Hernandez
- barefoot driving
- Barney Frank
- Barry Bonds
- Barry Howard
- bath salts
- batshittery
- battered spouse syndrome
- BD Wong
- Beau McCoy
- beefcake
- Belarus
- Belinda Luscombe
- Ben Cohen
- Ben Shapiro
- Ben Wallace
- Ben Whishaw
- Benna Solomon
- Bergholz
- Bernard Kilpatrick
- bestiality
- bet din
- Bette Midler
- Betty Bowers
- Beyonce
- bi-polar
- Big Daddys Hydro
- Big Data
- Big Law
- bigamy
- bigotry
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Davidson
- Bill de Blasio
- Bill Donohue
- Bill O'Reilly
- Billboard
- Billie Jean King
- biological father
- Birmingham
- birthers
- bisexual
- bit coins
- Black Bottom
- blawg
- blogging
- blood alcohol
- Bloomberg
- Bob Constan
- Bob Newhart
- Bobby Bonds
- books
- Boozy Bear
- borderline personality disorder
- Boston
- Boston Attacks
- boundaries
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- Boy Scouts
- Bradlee Dean
- brainwashing
- Brandon McQueen
- Brandon Township
- Brazil
- breaking up homes
- Breathalyzer
- Breitbart
- Brian Boitano
- Brian Brown
- Brian Camenker
- Brian Griffin
- Bridget Lavelle
- Bridget McCormack
- Bristol Palin
- Britain
- Broadway
- Broadway Cares
- Bronski Beat
- Brooklyn
- Brooks Patterson
- Brother Rice High School
- brother-brother
- brother-sister
- Bruce Jenner
- Bryan Fischer
- buccal swab
- bullying
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- business
- business court
- busy bodies
- Caitlin Cahow
- California
- California Department of Corrections
- Cameron Goulding
- Camille Paglia
- Canada
- Canberra
- cancer
- capital conviction
- capital murder
- Capitol Rotunda
- Carl Hainer
- Carl Siciliano
- Carrie Underwood
- cars
- Casey Anthony
- casino winnings
- Catholic Church
- Catholic League
- Catholics
- cats
- cell phone
- Cellbrite UFED
- censorship
- Center for Court Innovation
- certiorari
- Chad Griffin
- change of domicile
- Charles Thomas O'Reilly
- Charlie LeDuff
- ChatRoulette
- cheating
- Chicago
- Chicago-Kent Law Review
- Chick-Fil-A
- Chief Justice John Roberts
- Chief Justice Roberts
- child abuse
- child custody
- Child Custody Act
- child neglect
- child pornography
- child support
- child support arrearage
- child support enforcement
- child support information
- children
- Chile
- China
- Chris Armstrong
- Chris Cheng
- Chris Christie
- Christian Brothers of Ireland
- Christian Love
- Christianists
- Christianity
- Chuck Hagel
- church
- Churchill Divorce Finance
- circuit court
- civil rights
- civil service
- civil union
- civil unions
- Clarence Darrow
- Clarkston
- Clarkston Legal
- Class Action Fairness Act
- clemency
- Cleveland
- cloning
- closet cases
- co-parenting
- Coach Dave
- Coca-Cola
- Coco Peru
- Cole memo
- Colin O'Keefe
- collaborative divorce
- collateral consequences
- collective bargaining
- Colorado
- coming out
- Common Ground
- communication
- Compassionate Apothecary
- computer
- computer fraud and abuse
- computer hacking
- computers
- con men
- concealed pistol license
- concealed weapon
- concerts
- Coney Island
- confrontation clause
- Congress
- Connecticut
- consanguineous
- conservatorship
- constitution
- constitutional law
- consumer
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Reports
- Controlled Substance Act
- convicted convicts
- conviction
- cooking
- Cooley Law School
- Cooley Law School Stadium
- coolness
- corrections
- counseling
- country music
- court martial
- court of appeals
- courts
- cousins
- Cracker Barrel
- crackpots
- Craig Trebilcock
- Craigslist
- Crain's Detroit Business
- crazy people
- creationism
- creditors
- crime
- crime scene investigation
- crimes against humanity
- criminal
- criminal attorney Oakland County Michigan
- criminal defense
- criminal defense attorney
- criminal defense lawyer
- Criminal Issues Initiative
- criminal law
- criminal sexual conduct
- Croatia
- cross-examination
- cruel and unusual punishment
- crybabies
- cryopreserve
- cryopreserved embryo
- custodial interrogation
- custody
- custody dispute
- cyber bully
- cyber crime
- Cyndi Lauper
- Cyril Hall
- D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Dallas
- Damien Echols
- Dana Hathaway
- Dana Loesch
- dance music
- Daniel Brewington
- Daniel Quinn
- Daniel Victor
- dark and stormy night
- Dave Agema
- David Boies
- David Christensen
- David J. Stern
- David Lat
- David Mills
- David Shook
- David Yerushelmi
- Davontae Sanford
- death certificate
- death penalty
- debilitating condition
- Deborah Hersman
- Deborah Jiang Stein
- debtor
- debtor's prison
- decedent
- Decriminalize GR
- defamation
- defense attorney
- defense lawyer
- Defense of Marriage Act
- deficiency judgment
- Delaware
- dementia
- Democrats
- Denmark
- Dennis Archer
- Dennis Hollingsworth
- Dennis Rodman
- Denver Post
- Department of Human Services
- destitute. postpartum depression
- Detroit
- Detroit City Council
- Detroit News
- Detroit Pistons
- Detroit Police Department
- developing consensus standard
- Diandra Douglas
- Diane Gramley
- Dido
- digital assets
- digital inspection
- digital inventory
- digital legacy
- discharge
- disco
- disgusting
- Disney
- disorderly conduct
- dispensary
- distracted driving
- distributing child sexually abusive material
- district court
- District of Columbia
- divorce
- divorce blog
- divorce lawyer
- divorce settlement
- doctor
- documentaries
- domestic partnership
- domicile
- Don Imus
- Don Leduc
- Don Lemon
- Donal Blaney
- Donald Trump
- Donna Pendergast
- Donna Summer
- double dipping
- douchebaggery
- douchenozzles
- Doug Mainwaring
- Dow Corporation
- Dr. Dre
- Dr. Linda Sue Cheek
- Dr. Ruth Buck
- drag
- Drew Peterson
- driver responsibility
- driving while license suspended
- Droid
- drug abuse
- drugs
- drunk driving
- Duck Dynasty
- due process
- Dustin Lance Black
- e-cigarettes
- e-discovery
- e-filing
- E.W. Jackson
- Earl Carruthers
- East Lansing
- Eastern Michigan University
- Eaton County Circuit Court
- eBay
- economy
- Ed Koch
- Eddie Lloyd
- Eddie Vedder
- Edith Windsor
- education
- Educator Escalation Channel
- Edward Harwell
- Edward Pappas
- Edward Snowden
- effective assistance
- eighth amendment
- elder law
- elections
- electronic criminal lawyer
- Electronic Funds Transfer Act
- electronically stored information
- Elena Kagan
- Elizabeth Jacobs
- Ellen Degeneres
- Elliot Parnes
- Elton John
- embezzlement
- embryo
- Eminem
- Empire State Building
- employer
- employment
- end times
- Ender's Game
- England
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- equal protection
- Equality California
- equitable contribution
- equitable parenting doctrine
- Erasure
- Eric Cantor
- Eric Goldman
- Eric Holder
- Eric VanDussen
- Erick Erickson
- Erik Rush
- Ernest Hemingway
- erotica
- Espionage Act of 1917
- established custodial environment
- estate planning
- ethics
- Eugene Delgaudio
- Eugene Volokh
- Europe
- European Union
- Evening View
- evidence
- evil
- ex-gay
- ex-gays
- exculpatory evidence
- exorcisms
- Facebook Credits
- family court
- Family Guy
- family law
- family law lawyer
- family reaction
- Family Support Act
- fashion
- fast food
- father-daughter
- father-son
- federal
- federal court
- federal election commission
- Federalist Papers
- feds
- Feiger Law
- felony
- felony child support
- felony firearm
- Fen-Phen
- Festivus
- Fifth Amendment
- Fifth Amendment.
- Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
- filiation
- filibusters
- fines
- First Amendment
- First and Ten law
- FISA Court
- Flight 93
- Florida
- Florida Attorney General
- Florida Supreme Court
- Focus On The Family
- forbearance
- foreclosure
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
- Fort Lauderdale
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Fourth Amendment
- Fox News
- Fox TV
- France
- Francis Lewis High School
- Francois Hollande
- Frank Murphy Hall of Justice
- freaky
- Fred Phelps
- Freddie Mercury
- free speech
- freedom of information act
- freedom of speech
- freedom to marry
- freeping
- Friend of the Court
- Frigide Barjot
- frontotemporal degeneration
- frozen sperm
- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
- fucking liars
- fuckweasels
- Full Tilt Poker
- funeral director
- funerals
- games
- Gary Herbert
- gay adoption
- gay artists
- gay athletes
- gay bars
- gay death penalty
- gay families
- gay marriage
- Gay Men's Chorus
- Gay Patriot
- gay politicians
- gay seniors
- gay weddings
- gay writers
- gay youth
- gayborhoods
- Gene Barfield
- general practice attorney
- Genesee County
- Genesee County Family Court
- GEO Group
- Geoff Livingston
- George Costanza
- George Washington
- George Zimmerman
- Georgia
- Georgia (country)
- Germany
- get the net
- Ghana
- Giorgio Moroder
- Glenn Beck
- Go Blue
- Google glasses
- Google+
- Gotham
- Governor Chris Christie
- Governor Granholm
- Governor Jack Merkell
- Governor Lincoln Chafee
- Governor Mark Dayton
- Governor Pat Quinn
- Governor Rick Snyder
- GPS tether
- Graduated Driver Licensing
- Grand Central Terminal
- grand jury
- Grand Rapids
- Grand Theft Auto
- grandfather-granddaugther
- grandmother-grandson
- Great Recession
- Green Path Debt Solutions
- Greg Anderson
- Greg Louganis
- Gregory T. Angelo
- Greta Van Susteren
- grey divorce
- Grey's Anatomy
- Griego v New Mexico
- grifters
- Grindr
- group
- Guardian Ad Litem
- guardianship
- guilty plea
- gun board
- gun control
- gun lobby
- gun nuts
- guns
- habeas corpus
- hacking
- Halloween
- handgun
- Harry Jackson Jr.
- Harvard Law School
- Hasidic
- hate crime
- hate crimes
- hate groups
- hate speech
- Havard Law School
- Hawaii
- health
- Health and Human Services
- health care
- health insurance
- hearsay evidence
- Helena Kagan
- Hell's Kitchen
- help
- Henry Baskin
- Henry Rollins
- Henry S. Gornbein
- Henry Saad
- Hep C
- heroes
- Herschel Fink
- Highland Park
- Hillalry Movie
- Hillary Clinton
- Hollingsworth
- Hollingsworth v Perry
- Hollywood
- Holocaust
- homelessness
- homeschool
- homicide
- homocons
- homophobes
- homophobia
- HomoQuotable
- homosexuality
- hook-up sites
- house music
- housing
- Houston
- Hubbard Farms
- Huffington Post
- human origins
- Humanitarian Law Project
- humor
- Huntsville Unit
- hypocrisy
- Ian McKellen
- identity theft
- Illinois
- Illinois Family Institute
- immigration
- immigration reform
- immunity
- impaired
- in vitro fertilization
- incest
- income tax
- Independence Township
- India
- Indiana
- Indiana Court of Appeals
- Indianapolis Colts
- indictment
- individual mandate
- infanticide
- infidelity
- infighting is funny
- information
- information resellers
- Ingham County
- Ingham County Circuit Court
- inmate
- Institute for Highway Safety
- insurance
- intellectual property
- internet
- internet gambling
- Internet Privacy Protection Act
- interpol
- intestacy
- intestate
- Iowa
- Iowa Supreme Court
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Isabella County
- Islam
- Islamic divorce
- Islamic law
- Island House
- Israel
- It Gets Better Project
- Italy
- J. Howard Marshall
- Jack Lessenberry
- Jacob Trakhtenberg
- Jake Tapper
- Jalen Rose
- Jamaica
- James A. Feldman
- James Feinberg
- James M. Cole
- James Thomas
- Janet Jenkins
- Janet Napolitano
- Japan
- Jason Collins
- Jason DeParl
- Jay-Z
- Jayane Stratford
- Jayne Rowse
- Jeff Zarillo
- Jennifer Andreou
- Jeremy Hooper
- Jerry Falwell
- Jesse Ventura
- Jessica Cooper
- Jesus
- Jetblue
- JibJab
- JMG community
- Jodi Arias
- Joe Barton
- John Ashcroft
- John Conyers
- John Corvino
- John Engler
- John Hagee
- John Hermann
- John J. Bursch
- John Mitchell
- John Nienstedt
- John Perrin
- John Skelton
- John Skrzynski
- John Ter Beek
- John Wilber
- joint custody
- Jon Krakauer
- Jon Stewart
- Jonathan Sporn
- Jonathan Turley
- Joseph Casias
- Josh Barro
- journalism
- Juan Martinez
- Judaism
- Jude Stratford
- judge
- Judge Advocate General
- Judge Alton Davis
- Judge Belvin Perry Jr.
- Judge Bernard Friedman
- Judge Brian MacKenzie
- Judge Brian Sullivan
- Judge Brian Zahra
- Judge Chris Murray
- Judge Clinton Canady
- Judge Daniel O'Brien
- Judge David Viviano
- Judge Deborah Ross Adams
- Judge Deborah Tyner
- Judge Denise Langford Morris
- Judge Dennis Saylor
- Judge Diane Gibbons
- Judge Edward Sosnick
- Judge Elizabeth Pezzetti
- Judge Glen Conrad
- Judge Harvey Hoffman
- Judge Jessica Cooper
- Judge Joan E. Young
- Judge Jodi Debbrecht
- Judge John McDonald
- Judge Joseph Sheeran
- Judge Kay Behm
- Judge Kim Small
- Judge Kristen Nielsen Hartig
- Judge Leo Bowman
- Judge Linda Hallmark
- Judge Lisa Gorcyca
- Judge Margaret Noe
- Judge Mark Somers
- Judge Martha Anderson
- Judge Mary Beth Kelly
- Judge Mary Ellen Brennan
- Judge Mary Waterstone
- Judge Michael Talbot
- Judge Michael Theile
- Judge Michael Warren
- Judge Nancy Edmunds
- Judge Peter O'Connell
- Judge Phyllis McMillen
- Judge Richard Kuhn
- Judge Richard Posner
- Judge Robert Turner
- Judge Sherry Stephens
- Judge Shira Scheindlin
- Judge Steven Andrews
- Judge Timothy Kenny
- Judge Vaughn Walker
- Judge Victoria Roberts
- Judge Wade McCree
- Judge William C. Whitbeck
- judges
- Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee of Florida
- judicial reform
- judicial review
- Juian Assange
- junk science
- juror
- jury duty
- jury trial
- Justice Alton Davis
- Justice Anthony Kennedy
- Justice Antonin Scalia
- Justice Breyer
- Justice Brian Zahra
- Justice Bridget McCormack
- Justice Clarence Thomas
- Justice Clifford Taylor
- Justice David Wiggins
- Justice Department
- Justice Diane Hathaway
- Justice Elizabeth Weaver
- Justice John Paul Stevens
- Justice John Roberts
- Justice Laura Drager
- Justice Marilyn Kelly
- Justice Mary Beth Kelly
- Justice Maura Corrigan
- Justice Neil Reid
- Justice Robert P. Young
- Justice Robert P. Young Jr
- Justice Robert Young
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Justice Samuel Alito
- Justice Sonia Sotomayor
- Justice Stephen Markman
- Justice Thurgood Marshall
- Justin Amash
- juvenile code
- juvenile court
- juvenile law
- juvenile lifer law
- K2
- Karen Davidson
- Karen Workman
- Karl Rove
- Karla Faye Tucker
- Kate Kendell
- Kate Mitchell
- Kathleen Ryan
- Kelsey Grammer
- Kelsey Raffaele
- Ken Anderson
- Ken Cuccinelli
- Ken Hutcherson
- Kent County Circuit Court
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Supreme Court
- Kenya
- Kevin O'Keefe
- Kevin Orr
- Kevin Swanson
- Key West
- Khaair
- Kimberly McCarthy
- Kinsey Sicks
- KMart
- Kody Brown
- Kolanek
- Kris Perry
- Kurzon Strauss
- Kwame Kilpatrick
- LA Gay Chorus
- lack of equality harms
- Ladybird
- Lafler v Cooper
- Lake County
- Lake Orion
- Lake Orion Community Schools
- Lambda Legal
- language
- Lansing
- Lansing State Journal
- Larry Klayman
- Larry Kramer
- Las Vegas
- Laschell Baker
- Latin America
- Laura Ingraham
- lavishly appointed Homosexual Lobby
- law
- law blog
- Law Blogger
- law blogs
- law enforcement
- Law Professor Robert Sedler
- Law Professor Sharlene Boltz
- law review
- law school
- Law School Admissions Council
- law student
- Lawrence Charfoos
- Lawrence Kaluzny
- Lawrence Michael Beck
- Lawrence Russell
- Lawrence V. Texas
- lawsuit
- lawsuit proceeds
- lawsuits
- lawyer
- lawyers
- Leann Leutner
- Lee Duncan
- Lee Redden
- legal fees
- legal issues
- legal process
- legal separation
- legal services
- Legal Zoom
- legalization
- Lenawee County Circuit Court
- Lenawee County Prosecutor
- Leon Walker
- lesbians
- LGBT History
- LGBT rights
- LGBT youth
- liars
- Liberty Counsel
- Liberty University
- Life After Death
- Linda Harvey
- Linked In
- Lipnevicius
- Lisa Miller
- Livingston County
- Livingston County Family Court
- Liz Krueger
- Log Cabin Republicans
- Lois Butler-Jackson
- long-haired men in warehouses
- Los Angeles
- losers
- Louie Gohmert
- Louis Meldman
- Louisiana
- love
- Lyle Denniston
- Macomb County
- Macomb County Circuit Court
- Macomb County Prosecutor
- Macomb Probate Court
- Mae West
- Maeleigh
- Maine
- Malawi
- malicious destruction of property
- Manhattan
- Manif Pour Tous
- maps
- Marco Rubio
- Marie Thornton
- marihuana
- marijuana
- marital estate
- marital home
- marital property
- Mark Fiore
- Mark J. Konkol
- marketing
- marriage
- Marriage Amendment
- marriage equality
- Martin Brophy
- Martin SSempa
- Martina Navralitova
- Marxism
- Mary Bonauto
- Mary Cheney
- Mary Fallin
- Mary Lambert
- Maryland
- mass transit
- Massachusetts
- MassResistance
- master driving record
- Mat Staver
- Matt Barber
- Matt Drudge
- Matt Taibbi
- Matthew Abel
- Matthew R. Newburg
- Matthew Snyder
- Matthew Taylor
- Mayo Clinic
- McCain-Feingold
- McDonald
- McDonald v Chicago
- media
- Mediaite
- Medicaid
- medical malpractice
- medical marijuana
- Medical Marijuana Act
- medicine
- Megan Fox
- Megyn Kelly
- Melinda Haag
- Mennonite
- Meredith Baxter
- metadata
- Mexico
- Mich Court of Appeals
- Mich Medical Marijuana Act
- Mich Supreme Court
- Michael Bloomberg
- Michael Douglas
- Michael Komorn
- Michael McCabe
- Michael McCarthy
- Michael Morton
- Michael Stampfier
- Michelangelo Signorile
- Michele Bachmann
- Michelle Malkin
- Michelle Ortiz
- Michigan
- Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System
- Michigan Attorney General
- Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette
- Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox
- Michigan Bar Journal
- Michigan Catholic Conference
- Michigan Child Support Formula
- Michigan Civil Service Commission
- Michigan Compiled Laws
- Michigan Constitution
- Michigan Court of Appeals
- Michigan Department of Corrections
- Michigan House of Representative
- Michigan Innocence Project
- Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission
- Michigan Lawyer
- Michigan Lawyers Weekly
- Michigan Medical Marihuana Act
- Michigan Medical Marijuana Act
- Michigan Motor Vehicle Code
- Michigan Penal Code
- Michigan Public Radio
- Michigan Re-entry Law Wiki
- Michigan Rules of Court
- Michigan Senate
- Michigan State Police
- Michigan Supreme Court
- Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center
- Midland County Bar Association
- Mike Huckabee
- military
- military divorce
- Miller Canfield
- minimum wage
- Minnesota
- minor in possession
- Minsk
- Miranda
- misdemeanor
- Missouri
- Mitt Romney
- MN
- mobile device
- Monica Conyers
- monogamy
- Montana
- Mormon
- Mormons
- Morning View
- Morning View
- Morrissey
- mortgage
- Mortgage Resource Plus
- Moscow
- mosque
- mother-daughter
- mother-son
- motor vehicle code
- Motorola
- movies
- murder
- musical theater
- Muslim
- myths
- NALT Project
- Nancy Ann Seaman
- Nancy Goldstein
- Nancy Grace
- Nancy Plasterer
- narcissism
- narcissistic personality disorder
- Narcissus
- Natalie DeLeo
- Nathan Koppel
- National Association of Attorneys General
- National Association of Legal Professionals
- National Guard
- National Law Journal
- National Public Radio
- NCY LGBT Anti-Violence Project
- Nebraska
- negligence
- Neil Patrick Harris
- Neil Rockind
- Nelson Mandela
- Nevada
- New Delhi
- New Hampshire Supreme Court
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans Saints
- New York
- New York City
- New York state
- New York Times
- New Yorker
- New Yorker Magazine
- New Zealand
- Newago County
- newspapers
- Nicholas Looman
- nightlife
- Nikki Haley
- no fault divorce
- Nobel
- Nolan Finley
- Nolo
- North Carolina
- North Carolina v Alford
- North Oakland Divorce Blog
- Northern California
- Northern Ireland
- Notre Dame
- Now is Gone
- nursing home
- NYC History
- O.J. Simpson
- Oakland
- Oakland Circuit Court
- Oakland Circuit Court Judge John McDonald
- Oakland Circuit Judge Colleen O'Brien
- Oakland Circuit Judge James Alexander
- Oakland Circuit Judge Mark Goldsmith
- Oakland Circuit Judge Martha Anderson
- Oakland Circuit Judge Michael Warren
- Oakland Circuit Judge Shalina Kumar
- Oakland Circuit Judge Wendy Potts
- Oakland County
- Oakland County Bar Association
- Oakland County Board of Commissioners
- Oakland County business court
- Oakland County Circuit Court
- Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Nanci Grant
- Oakland County Circuit Judge Colleen O'Brien
- Oakland County divorce
- Oakland County Family Court
- Oakland County Foreclosure Prevention Initiative
- Oakland County Jail
- Oakland County Judge Mary Ellen Brennan
- Oakland County lawyer
- Oakland County Probate Court
- Oakland County Prosecutor
- Oakland County Sheriff
- Oakland Press
- Oaksterdam University
- Obama administration
- Obamacare
- obesity
- obituary
- Ogden memo
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oldsmobile Park
- Olympia
- Olympics
- ombudsman
- One Million Moms
- oocytes
- oops
- open
- open carry laws
- Open Thread Thursday
- Operating While Intoxicated
- ordinance
- Oregon
- Orlando
- Orson Scott Card
- Oscars
- Osmonds
- Otis McDonald
- overcrowding
- Padilla v Kentucky
- Palestine
- Pam Geller
- Pamela Mattison
- Paper Chase
- paperless
- Parental Divorce Reduction Act
- parental kidnapping
- parental termination
- parenting schedule
- parenting time
- parole
- passport
- Pat Buchanan
- Pat Robertson
- paternity
- paternity act
- Patrick Barone
- Patrick Stewart
- Patriot Act
- Paul Clement
- Paul Crouch
- Paul Katami
- Paul Ryan
- Paul Stablein
- Pennebaker
- pennsylvania
- Penobscot Building
- Pentagon
- People v Koon
- People v Nunley
- performance art
- perjury
- permission marketing
- Perry
- Perry v Brown
- Perry v Schwarzenegger
- persecution
- personal injury lawyer
- personal internet account
- Peter Keenan
- Peter LaBarbera
- Peter Staley
- Peter Tatchell
- Phil Robertson
- Philippines
- photography
- Phyllis Schlafly
- physician
- Pick's disease
- Pink
- Pittsburgh
- plaintiff lawyer
- players union
- Plunkett and Cooney
- PokerStars
- police
- politicians
- PolitiFact
- polls
- polyamory
- polyandry
- polygamy
- polygyny
- Pontiac Police Department
- pop culture
- pop music
- Pope Francis
- post traumatic stress disorder
- pranks
- pregnancy
- prejudice
- prenuptial agreement
- prescription
- President Clinton
- President Obama
- pretext search
- priest
- Prince Charles
- prior restraint
- prison
- prisoners
- privacy
- privacy law
- privacy rights
- pro confesso
- probable cause
- probate court
- probate court litigation
- probate lawyer
- probation
- product liability
- Professor David Moran
- Professor Eugene Volokh
- Professor Gerard Magliocca
- Professor Howard Markman
- Professor Paul Caron
- prognosticator
- property settlement
- Proposition 19
- Proposition 8
- prosecution
- prostitution
- protests
- Prozac
- public accommodations
- Public Administrator
- public trust
- Qatar
- quads
- Queen
- Queens
- Queer Nation
- Quislings
- R K Arnold
- racism
- RadioShack
- rape
- Rashida Tlaib
- real estate
- real estate appraiser
- reality shows
- Rebecca Black
- Reebok
- refinance
- Regina Griggs
- relationships
- religion
- religious cohabitation
- relocation
- Renew America
- Representative John Walsh
- restricted driver's license
- retail
- retirement
- retirement assets
- reunion
- Revised Judicature Act
- Rhode Island
- Richard Branson
- Richard Roane
- Richard Webber
- Rick Santorum
- right to silence
- Rima Fakih
- Rio de Janeiro
- Robert Birach
- Robert criminal defense
- Robert Ficano
- Robert Grossman
- Robert Lee Redden
- Robert Mueller
- Robert Mugabe
- Robert Ord
- Robert Oscar Lopez
- Robert Shapiro
- Robert Slameka
- Roberto Bihar
- Robin Roberts
- robots
- Robyn Frankel
- Rocket Lawyer
- Rodney Koon
- Roe v Wade
- Roman Blum
- Rome
- Ron Jelinek
- Ronald Reagan
- Rose Bowl Parade
- Rose Cobb
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Roth IRA
- Royal Oak
- royals
- Rush Limbaugh
- Russia
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Ruth Institute
- Ruth Johnson
- Ryan Bylsma
- Salinas v Texas
- Salon
- Salt Lake City
- same sex parents
- same sex union
- same-gender marriage
- same-sex
- same-sex marriage
- Samuel Mullet
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Fransisco
- Sandy Hook
- Sandy Rios
- Sandy Stier
- Santa Claus
- Santa Clause
- Sarah Palin
- Saudi Arabia
- scam artists
- scandal
- Schwarzenegger
- science
- science fiction
- Scott Correctional
- Scott Greenfield
- Scott Lively
- Sean Hannity
- search and seizure
- Seattle
- secession
- Second Amendment
- second degree murder
- second marriage
- Secretary of State
- Seinfeld
- Selesa Likine
- self-help legal sites
- self-loathing
- selfie
- Senate
- Senate Judiciaray Committee
- Senator Bert Johnson
- Senator Mark Boitano
- Senator Mike Green
- Senator Rick Jones
- Senator Steven Bieda
- sentencing
- separate property
- September 11
- serial killer
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
- Sesame Street
- Seth Godin
- Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
- sex
- Sex Offender Registration Act
- sex week
- sex workers
- sexting
- sexuality
- shareholder
- Shariah law
- sharks
- sheriff
- Sheriff Mike Bouchard
- Sherman Anti-Trust Act
- Shirley Bassey
- Shirley Sherrod
- short sale
- siblings
- silliness
- single parent
- Sister Wives
- sister-sister
- Sixth Amendment
- Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Skinner
- Skye Carter
- Slamenka
- Smart on Crime
- smoking
- Smoking Gun
- SMS Replicator
- Snoop Dog
- sobriety court
- Sochi Olympics
- social media
- Social Network Account Privacy Act
- Social Security
- Social Security Administration
- sociology
- soldier
- Solicitor General
- solidarity
- Sonia Sotomayor
- South Africa
- South America
- South Carolina
- Southeast Michigan
- Spain
- speakeasy
- spelling
- spice
- split custody
- sports
- spousal benefit
- spousal support
- spouse
- St. Louis
- St. Paul
- St. Petersburg
- Stacey Napp
- stalker
- Stanley Chesley
- Star Trek
- State Bar of Michigan
- State Court Administrative Office
- State Department
- statement
- statute of limitations
- step-parent adoption
- Stephanie Saul
- Steve Hayes
- Steve Hyder
- stigma
- still totally gay
- stimulus legislation
- Stoli
- stop and frisk
- straight allies
- strategic default
- strict liability
- strikes
- student loan
- substance abuse
- suicide
- suicide knobs
- summary judgment
- Super Drunk
- supervised parenting time
- Supremacy Clause
- surrogacy
- surrogate
- surveillance
- surveillance economy
- Surviving Spouse
- Swag Tuesday
- swinging
- synagogue
- synthetic marijuana
- tabloids
- Tammy Bruce
- Tanya Skelton
- taxation
- taxi life
- Tea Party
- teabaggers
- technology
- Ted Cruz
- Ted Nugent
- Ted Olson
- teenage driver
- telecommunications
- television
- Ten Commandments
- tenants in common
- Tenth Circuit Court
- terminology
- terrorist
- Terry Nunley
- Terry v Ohio
- Texas
- Texas Department of Corrections
- texting
- The Blaze
- the closet
- The Economist
- the kids are alright
- The LawBlogger
- The Sadz
- theater
- theocracy
- Thomas E. Brennan
- threeways
- Thurgood Marshall
- Tim Cook
- Tim LaCroix
- Tim Skubick
- Time Magazine
- Times Square
- Timothy Baughman
- Timothy Dolan
- Timothy P. Flynn
- Tired Old Queen At The Movies
- Todd Macaluso
- Todd Starnes
- Tom Corbett
- Tom Daley
- Tom Loeb
- Tony Perkins
- Torey Clark
- tort
- torture
- Tot Mom
- Towleroad
- transgender issues
- Travas Alexander
- Traverse City
- Travis Alexander
- Trayvon Martin
- Trent Reznor
- triads
- Trisha Conlon
- Trulia
- trust
- trustee
- Twitchy
- U. S. Attorney
- U. S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Attorney
- U.S. Constitution
- U.S. Court of Appeals
- U.S. District Court
- U.S. House
- U.S. News and World Report
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Uganda
- UK
- Ukraine
- unauthorized access computer
- uncle-niece
- uncontested
- uncontested divorce
- underwater
- unemployment
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
- unions
- United Methodist Church
- United States
- United States Attorney
- United States Circuit Court of Appeals
- United States District Court
- United States Supreme Court
- United States v Jones
- United States v Windsor
- University of Cincinnati Law Review
- University of Detroit Mercy
- University of Detroit Mercy Law School
- University of Detroit School of Law
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan Law School
- unjust enrichment
- upside down
- urban legends
- Uruguay
- US
- US News and World Report
- US Supreme Court
- Utah
- Val Gross
- Vashon Island
- Vatican
- Vermont
- Veterans Administration
- Vincent Smothers
- Violence Against Women Act
- viral video
- Virgin
- Virginia
- Vladimir Putin
- vodka
- Voters Rights Act
- Wal-Mart
- Wales
- Walgreens
- Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- war on drugs
- Washington State
- Washtenaw County Circuit Court
- Washtenaw County Family Court
- Washtenaw County Probate Court
- Waterford
- Wayne County
- Wayne County Circuit Court
- Wayne County Family Court
- Wayne State University
- Wayne State University Law School
- Web 2.0
- Wendy Potts
- West Memphis Three
- West of Memphis
- West Virginia
- Westboro
- Westboro Baptist Church
- White Castle
- White House
- white supremacists
- will
- William Forsyth
- William Giovan
- William Spengler
- Williamsburg
- Wilton Manors
- wingnuts
- Wink and Wink
- Wisconsin
- witness
- Wizard Of Oz
- Wonkette
- work release
- World Congress Of Families
- World Net Daily
- Wright v Shade
- Xmas
- Yale Galanter
- YouTube
- Ze Frank
- Zillow
- Zimbabwe
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