Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fox Panel Argues Over War On Xmas

Mediaite recaps:

On Tuesday afternoon, the Fox News-led War on Christmas™ made its way into the studios of Fox News itself, with Gretchen Carlson, Catholic League president Bill Donohue, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach tag-teaming American Atheists president David Silverman over some rather unique displays being put up in state capitals across the country; one a Satanist display, the other a Festivus pole made of beer cans. Carlson found them unbelievably offensive, asking, “Are we making a mockery of everything regarding Christianity in this society?” Boteach found it ridiculous and offensive, arguing that there is no imposition of religious worship in the United States, while Silverman argued it should never be the place for the government to take sides.
Also on the panel: Catholic League blowhard Bill Donohue.
"item"'>Mediaite recaps:
On Tuesday afternoon, the Fox News-led War on Christmas™ made its way into the studios of Fox News itself, with Gretchen Carlson, Catholic League president Bill Donohue, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach tag-teaming American Atheists president David Silverman over some rather unique displays being put up in state capitals across the country; one a Satanist display, the other a Festivus pole made of beer cans. Carlson found them unbelievably offensive, asking, “Are we making a mockery of everything regarding Christianity in this society?” Boteach found it ridiculous and offensive, arguing that there is no imposition of religious worship in the United States, while Silverman argued it should never be the place for the government to take sides.
Also on the panel: Catholic League blowhard Bill Donohue.


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