Friday, December 6, 2013

Eric Cantor's Staff Has Cops Threaten To Arrest Singing Immigrant Children

Raw Story reports:

A group of children calling for immigration reform were forced to leave House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) office on Thursday after Capitol Police officers threatened to arrest them. In a video posted to YouTube by the group Keeping Families Together, the children are seen in Cantor’s personal office singing: “We want reform, we want it now. We are titanium. Keep our families together. We want reform right now.” At that point an officer interrupted the protest to ask if anyone there was planning on getting arrested.
The kids eventually did leave without being arrested.
"item"'>Raw Story reports:
A group of children calling for immigration reform were forced to leave House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) office on Thursday after Capitol Police officers threatened to arrest them. In a video posted to YouTube by the group Keeping Families Together, the children are seen in Cantor’s personal office singing: “We want reform, we want it now. We are titanium. Keep our families together. We want reform right now.” At that point an officer interrupted the protest to ask if anyone there was planning on getting arrested.
The kids eventually did leave without being arrested.


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