Monday, June 10, 2013

A Tumblr Supporting Consanguinamory

You can find a lot of interesting stuff on Tumblr. You have to wonder if that's going to change moving forward now that it is being swallowed up by Yahoo. (Youngsters: look up "GeoCities.") For now, you can find things like Gay Brotherly Love, which is relevant to this blog. (For those of you unfamiliar with Tumblr, you can find much there that is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, so be warned. Here's what GBL is about...

"item"'>You can find a lot of interesting stuff on Tumblr. You have to wonder if that's going to change moving forward now that it is being swallowed up by Yahoo. (Youngsters: look up "GeoCities.") For now, you can find things like Gay Brotherly Love, which is relevant to this blog. (For those of you unfamiliar with Tumblr, you can find much there that is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, so be warned. Here's what GBL is about...


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