Friday, December 6, 2013

MA GOP Candidates For Gov & Lt. Gov Back Marriage, Wingnuts Threaten To Walk

Massachusetts GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker supports same-sex marriage. And as of this week, so does his running mate, Karyn Polito. And that makes the Tea People very unhappy.
Social conservative activists are threatening to walk away from Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker after his running mate, former state representative Karyn E. Polito, reversed her position this week, endorsing gay marriage. According to state Republican Party insiders, some of Polito’s closest allies in the battle against gay marriage are pressing the former Shrewsbury lawmaker to dial back her new stance on the issue or risk losing their support. “I know they are meeting today and trying to work it out,’’ said a Republican Party leader who is a strong backer of Baker’s candidacy. The Baker campaign, looking to placate social conservatives, said late Thursday that Polito considers same sex unions to be accepted law. But the campaign would not make Polito available to be interviewed about her position.
RELATED: Baker ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010, when his running mate was openly gay state Sen. Richard Tisei, who now works as a realtor after losing last year's bid to become the first openly gay GOP member of the U.S. House."item"'>
Massachusetts GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker supports same-sex marriage. And as of this week, so does his running mate, Karyn Polito. And that makes the Tea People very unhappy.
Social conservative activists are threatening to walk away from Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker after his running mate, former state representative Karyn E. Polito, reversed her position this week, endorsing gay marriage. According to state Republican Party insiders, some of Polito’s closest allies in the battle against gay marriage are pressing the former Shrewsbury lawmaker to dial back her new stance on the issue or risk losing their support. “I know they are meeting today and trying to work it out,’’ said a Republican Party leader who is a strong backer of Baker’s candidacy. The Baker campaign, looking to placate social conservatives, said late Thursday that Polito considers same sex unions to be accepted law. But the campaign would not make Polito available to be interviewed about her position.
RELATED: Baker ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010, when his running mate was openly gay state Sen. Richard Tisei, who now works as a realtor after losing last year's bid to become the first openly gay GOP member of the U.S. House.


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