Congratulations to all of the people in Rhode Island who will now be free to marry because the state has become the latest to adopt the limited same-gender freedom to marry!
Many of the statements from politicians and reports of this have said that Rhode Island adopted marriage equality, but this is not quite accurate. There are adults who are allowed to share their lives, including sex and raising children, able to live as spouses, who are still denied their right to marry.
For example, Rhode Island is the most progressive state when it come to consanguinamory. There are no restrictions on consanguineous sex between adults.
This means that people in consanguinamorous relationships are not breaking any law in Rhode Island. Since they are not breaking any law, since they are legally free to be together and raise children together if they want, why are they denied their right to marry?
There are people of all sexual orientations in polyamorous relationships who also continue to be denied their right to marry.
This is why full marriage equality is needed. An adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, should be free to marry any and all consenting adults, protected from prosecution, bullying, and discrimination. Equality "just for some" or in some ways, but not others, is not equality. Let's stand up for every adult's right to marry the person(s) she or he loves.
So, Rhode Island does not have full marriage equality... yet. But it is a state that easily could get there. Keep evolving, Rhode Island! There is no good reason to stop short of full marriage equality.
Congratulations to all of the people in Rhode Island who will now be free to marry because the state has become the latest to adopt the limited same-gender freedom to marry!
Many of the statements from politicians and reports of this have said that Rhode Island adopted marriage equality, but this is not quite accurate. There are adults who are allowed to share their lives, including sex and raising children, able to live as spouses, who are still denied their right to marry.
For example, Rhode Island is the most progressive state when it come to consanguinamory. There are no restrictions on consanguineous sex between adults.
This means that people in consanguinamorous relationships are not breaking any law in Rhode Island. Since they are not breaking any law, since they are legally free to be together and raise children together if they want, why are they denied their right to marry?
There are people of all sexual orientations in polyamorous relationships who also continue to be denied their right to marry.
This is why full marriage equality is needed. An adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, should be free to marry any and all consenting adults, protected from prosecution, bullying, and discrimination. Equality "just for some" or in some ways, but not others, is not equality. Let's stand up for every adult's right to marry the person(s) she or he loves.
So, Rhode Island does not have full marriage equality... yet. But it is a state that easily could get there. Keep evolving, Rhode Island! There is no good reason to stop short of full marriage equality.
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