Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An Ally on Tumblr

At fandomsandfeminism.tumblr.com a question about solidarity was posed by harshitkumar...

Will not supporting incest make an LGBT supporter hypocritical ? If you look at it, he or she is arguing for sexual freedom for two consenting adults. Now if they happen to be blood related and this makes them lose the support of the the said person, will he or she be hypocritical?
If we're going to take the rights of consenting adults seriously, consanguineous lovers can't be excluded

The blogger answered...
On a totally theoretical level, I have no problem with two consenting, fully aware, informed adults having a relationship just because they share a certain percentage of genetic material.


However, we have to remember that a lot of incest (though certainly not all) is a product of abuse and happens in abusive contexts.

Well, yes, the world "incest" is applied to the two very different things of consensual sex and assault/abuse, but the person asking was talking about consensual sex. Do we ever say "We have to remember that a lot of intercourse is a product of abuse and happens in abusive contexts?" Do we comment on BDSM by saying a lot of handcuffing has been the product of tyranny or slavery? See Discredited Argument #9.
So….yeah. I mean, we need to be aware and supportive for victims of incestual rape, but I don’t think that incest in pure theory is inherently bad.
I'll take the support for sexual and relationship rights. A woman should be free to marry a woman, or two women, even if one is her sister. That's feminism.

Tumblr is full of fetish porn, which I'm not in any way knocking. I bring that up because it is great to see serious consideration of consanguinamory as part of the mix there.
"item"'>At fandomsandfeminism.tumblr.com a question about solidarity was posed by harshitkumar...
Will not supporting incest make an LGBT supporter hypocritical ? If you look at it, he or she is arguing for sexual freedom for two consenting adults. Now if they happen to be blood related and this makes them lose the support of the the said person, will he or she be hypocritical?
If we're going to take the rights of consenting adults seriously, consanguineous lovers can't be excluded

The blogger answered...
On a totally theoretical level, I have no problem with two consenting, fully aware, informed adults having a relationship just because they share a certain percentage of genetic material.


However, we have to remember that a lot of incest (though certainly not all) is a product of abuse and happens in abusive contexts.

Well, yes, the world "incest" is applied to the two very different things of consensual sex and assault/abuse, but the person asking was talking about consensual sex. Do we ever say "We have to remember that a lot of intercourse is a product of abuse and happens in abusive contexts?" Do we comment on BDSM by saying a lot of handcuffing has been the product of tyranny or slavery? See Discredited Argument #9.
So….yeah. I mean, we need to be aware and supportive for victims of incestual rape, but I don’t think that incest in pure theory is inherently bad.
I'll take the support for sexual and relationship rights. A woman should be free to marry a woman, or two women, even if one is her sister. That's feminism.

Tumblr is full of fetish porn, which I'm not in any way knocking. I bring that up because it is great to see serious consideration of consanguinamory as part of the mix there.


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