Wednesday, February 6, 2013

National GSA Day

Not the GSA I usually write about... it is National Gay-Straight Alliance Day!

GSAs are very important in helping young people deal with discrimination and raise awareness.

I recommend starting, supporting, or joining a GSA. They aren't just for LGBT people, but heterosexual allies as well. Polyamorous and consanguinamorous students (out or not) and people with poly parents should join to show solidarity for people who are denied their rights and show others who are skeptical about solidarity that poly people and people in consanguinamorous relationships are regular people who also face discrimination."item"'>Not the GSA I usually write about... it is National Gay-Straight Alliance Day!

GSAs are very important in helping young people deal with discrimination and raise awareness.

I recommend starting, supporting, or joining a GSA. They aren't just for LGBT people, but heterosexual allies as well. Polyamorous and consanguinamorous students (out or not) and people with poly parents should join to show solidarity for people who are denied their rights and show others who are skeptical about solidarity that poly people and people in consanguinamorous relationships are regular people who also face discrimination.


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